Saturday, 11 July 2009

In which mealies are eaten...

My bebe cat.
Originally uploaded by Earwig.
Bryher's such a loon. I was just feeding Yona with a couple of dried mealies, and Bryher was watching. She's smelled the dried mealies before, and has never been interested in them. But as soon as she saw Yona eating them, Bryher decided that the hedgie couldn't have them, they were her food. So she stuck her nose in the pot of mealies and actually ate a couple!! I couldn't believe it, and I don't think Bryher really liked them, but no way was that damn spikey thing going to eat something that she couldn't have too!

In which someone self-annoints

Self annointing
Originally uploaded by Earwig.
I got this photo of the Pog self annointing on a cardboard box. It was too dark with no flash, and too bright with the falsh, but you can see her leeetle tongue sticking out, and the big blob of frothy spit on her head. You can also see the muscles in her back - hedgies are very strong and very flexible.

I'm just so impressed she can lick the top of her own head!