It's fun looking back over this and remembering how freeing it was to just... make marks! Not worrying about what things looked like, just trying to represent something differently by use of different media. When I used to draw before, I'd draw really slowly, trying to get everything right. But this showed me I really like drawing fast and loose - I've been doing some studies of plants I found in the allotment, and drawing really fast - it's very cool, and I'm pleased with what I've been producing.

I love this particularly for the mark in the top right corner - "wine and kitchen towel". Guess what happened there...

At the moment, I'm translating marks into stitch, and palying around with different threads and fabric, in different stitches, on different fabrics. I got a bit distracted by couching roved hanks of wool with cotton, and decided to make a wood engraving print of bjork with couched wool for hair. I probably shouldn't get distracted, but Bjork can be very demanding.
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