I was recently rootling through Penny Nickels’ blog,
If you’re not aware of the work of Penny
Nickels, you really should be. She’s a
kick-ass embroiderer, lace maker, printmaker and all-round creative bomb.
the risk of pissing off a large portion of the needlework community, I'm going
to go ahead and speak my mind. Commercial patterns = Paint by Numbers.”
“I guess my point is, needlework takes a tremendous amount
of time. Do we want to spend that kind of effort on a pattern that everyone
else is doing? And if we're not going to do our own work, why don't we pick
something unusual?”
Big fat YES. Sorry if
you love your commercial patterns, but I just can’t be doing with them. I used them when I was learning to cross
stitch as a teenager – I’d buy those little packs with the embroidery floss
colours already chosen for you to sew your country cottage or hedgerow flowers
or whatever. But I got bored of those
pretty quickly, and started to make my own patterns from illustrations. There’s some pics of these
teenage cross-stitches here – I was an odd teenager.
her post, Penny asks why we don’t use brilliant illustrations and art to create
patterns – I love her embroideries of Haeckel drawings. They’re not cute, conventional or dull. They’re extraordinary, and the fact they’re
rendered into stitch gives an extra dimension to the design.
Making your own patterns – whether it’s from your own art or
someone else’s - is more creatively fulfilling than following a commercial
pattern! At the end of her post, Penny
challenges us not to embroider cute kitties, but to take on
Louis Wain’s cats. I did this a couple of years ago, for Mr
P. He loves Louis Wain, and introduced
me to his art. I couldn’t afford to buy
him an original painting so I decided to embroider a couple of cats. Here’s my cat with a violin and cat with a banjo (both done chiefly in satin stitch). They were great fun to embroider, and I love the finished pieces.